
Hong Kong hotels accused of not paying minimum wage in job 『trial periods』 [South China Morning Post] 2012-08-15
政府對檢討《僱傭條例》中連續性僱傭的態度 [關注零散工權益行動電子報] 2012-04-10

South China Morning Post | 2013-08-15 報章

Hong Kong hotels accused of not paying minimum wage in job 『trial periods』

Union says survey shows bosses are forcing room cleaners to work for 『trial periods』 for low pay

Hotel bosses are dodging the minimum-wage law by forcing room cleaners to work for 「trial periods」 for low pay rates and without overtime compensation, according to a union survey.

The Catering and Hotels Industries Employees』 General Union found after interviewing 246 room attendants from about 30 hotels in June that 25 workers were receiving less than the statutory minimum wage of HK$28 an hour.

Some said they were exploited under a work 「trial period」 in the first two to three weeks of a new job, often earning as little as HK$5 an hour. Hotels were also accused of practices which cheated employees of their benefits.

「We don’t think this problem is restricted to individual hotels – it’s industry-wide,」 said the union’s organising secretary Suzanne Wu Sui-shan.

She said some workers who experienced these practices worked for large hotel chains, which they did not name to protect other employees.

The union found that one of the hotels, owned by a tycoon, kept employing workers on a trial basis and did not offer them permanent jobs.

「It’s not that they cannot afford to pay, they are explicitly exploiting workers,」 Wu said. She said the problem had been around for a long time, but after implementation of the minimum-wage legislation in May last year, these employers could now be breaking the law.

She urged them to stop the practice.

Under the Employment Ordinance, employers could dismiss workers without notice during a probation period, but this did not entitle them to use a work 「trial period」 for pay, Wu said.

In one case, a worker undergoing a work 「trial period」 worked eight hours a day, cleaning up to 17 rooms, and was paid HK$56.

Other room attendants earning less than the minimum wage were usually paid according to the number of rooms they cleaned.

They were assigned a certain number of rooms each day and if it took them longer than eight hours they had to work overtime without compensation.

The survey found that 70 per cent of those interviewed were casual workers who did not have benefits such as medical insurance. More than half said some workers in their hotels were hired on a three weeks on, one week off basis so employers did not have to give them benefits such as paid annual leave.

Employees working for four consecutive weeks for not less than 18 hours are entitled to these benefits.

Wu said that most of the workers were not willing to complain to the Labour Department as they were afraid they would be recognised and unable to find work in the industry again.

Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners executive director Michael Li Hon-shing said a survey the federation conducted among its members last year showed that all hotel employers were meeting minimum wage requirements.

關注零散工權益行動電子報 | 2012-04-12 報章



政府在施政報告中提及對零散就業工的關注(政府並未使用此字眼) ,可追溯至五年前。在2007-2008名為「香港新方向」的施政報告,是第三屆特首為特區政府制定未來五年工作的藍圖,在《施政綱領》第三章「關懷社會 投資社會」的「新措施」欄目下,首次用了27字寫道:(政府將) 因應勞工市場近期的發展,檢討在《僱傭條例》下連續性僱傭的定義。」



有關「邊緣勞工」成份,以1999年為例, 64萬「邊緣勞工」佔總勞動人口的18.5%,當中超過一半是婦女(56%)。學者將「邊緣勞工」再劃分為「貧窮勞工」(月入少於4500元,約佔整體「邊緣勞工」的50%)、「失業工人」(約佔整體「邊緣勞工」的34%)及「就業不足工人」(約佔整體「邊緣勞工」的16%)。而在「貧窮勞工」中,則有21.6%月收入在3,000元以下[1]。





然而,「蒐集統計數據」過程十分緩慢,估計政府正忙最低工資立法工作。故2010-2011名為「民心我心 同舟共濟 繁榮共享」的施政報告,又回復老調重彈。《施政綱領》用了54字重覆:「根據收集所得有關並非以連續性合約受僱的僱員的統計數據,檢討《僱傭條例》中連續性僱傭的定義,並在過程中繼續諮詢有關各方。」並未提出更多訊息。

到去年,在名為「繼往開來」的2011-2012施政政報告中,有一點值得注意。《施政綱領》用了57字表示:「參考收集所得有關按短期或短工時僱傭合約受僱的僱員的統計數據,檢討《僱傭條例》中連續性僱傭的定義,並在過程中繼續諮詢有關各方。」雖看似又一次老調重彈,但以「短期或短工時僱傭合約受僱的僱員」取代了「(非)連續性僱傭」一詞,反映政府已將「非連續性僱傭」進一步界定為「短期或短工時僱傭合約受僱的僱員」。而由勞工處委託統計處進行研究的有關「受僱於短期或短工時僱傭合約受僱的僱員」的《第五十五號專題報告書》亦於2011年7月出版(詳下),反映「蒐集統計數據」經已初步完成,往後將是檢討及諮詢的開始(詳下) 。


[1] 黃洪、李劍明:《香港「邊緣勞工」研究之一》,樂施會,2000年7月。

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